1 HLP - Portable help system HLP version 4.0-3 * Bug fix for buffer overrun. HLP version 4.0-2 * Bug fix so that the user supplied name translation routine is used. Previously the built-in version always got used. HLP version 4.0-1 * This is now the C version of HLP donated by Pat Wallace. The code is now GPLed. None of the code from version 3 remains. HLP version 3.3-6 * Modified Linux integration to use g77, produce shared library. Re-added updated hlib script (as in 3.3-4). HLP version 3.3-5 * Bug fix to help.f to set EXACT array to .FALSE. on move to new help level. Integrated Linux support (makefile, mk, source archive). HLP version 3.3-4 * Update to hlib script to force it to delete its temporary fort.1 file. Add checks to hlib for presence of fort.1 and fort.2 before attempting to use them. HLP version 3.3-3 * Maintenance release to add hypertext documentation. No changes to source code or to document text. HLP version 3.3-2 The latest release of the Starlink Portable Help system includes the following change: * The behaviour in the no-interactive-prompting (JFLAGS=0) case has been changed. Previously, if no topics were found for the given INLINE string, no output occurred. Now, exactly the same output occurs as in the normal JFLAGS=1 case (i.e. the "Sorry..." message and the list of level-1 topics). * The name of the package has been changed from HELP to HLP. P.T.Wallace ptw@star.rl.ac.uk +44-235-44-5372