1 ATL_library An new release (V1.6) of the ATL library is now available. The ATL library contains high level AST-related utility functions. See SUN/256 for details. Changed in the new version include: - New function atlFindMap locates a component Mapping within a CmpMap. Changes introduced by V1.5: - New function astReadTable reads an AST Table from a text file, formatted in TOPCAT "ascii" format. - Added a F77 wrapper for the astChrSplitRE function defined the AST memory management module (memory.c). This wrapper is in ATL rather than AST because it returned the matching strings in a GRP group. - New functions atlKy2hd and ATL_KY2HD have been added. These have been moved from the KAPLIBS library. Changes introduced by V1.4: - The functions atlMapGet1S and atlMapPut1S have been renamed as atlMapGet1C and atlMapPut1C to avoid name clashes with the new support for short ints in the AST KeyMap class. - A function atlReadFile has been added, which reads an AST Object from a text file containing a dump of an AST Object created by (say) atlShow. - The function atlMapCopy has been removed. The functionality has been moved into the astMapCopy functionin the AST library. - The new C function atlDumpFits writes a FITS header defined by a FitsChan to a new text file specified by a named environment parameter. Changes introduced by V1.3: - A new function astAddWcsAxis has been added. It modifies a WCS FrameSet by adding one or more axes to the base (GRID) Frame and the current (WCS) Frame, using a supplied Mapping to connect the new axes. Any other Frames are left unchanged. - A new function astMapCopy can copy all the keys from one KeyMap into another overwriting any duplicates. Changes introduced by V1.2: - A new function astMatchRegion/AST_MATCHREGION, which produces a Region with axes corresponding to those in a given Frame. Changes introduced by V1.1: - A new C function, atlGetParam, obtains a value for a named parameter from the environment, and places the value in a supplied AST KeyMap. The name of the parameter is used as the key for the new KeyMap entry. - Add ATL_RMBLFT (atlRmblft) to remove contiguous blank lines from a FITS header. - Add ATL_RDSTCS to allow STC-S descriptions to be read into an AST object. - ATL_RDGRP has been modified to enable it to read an AST object from a group containing an AST object dump, a set of FITS headers or an STC-S description. - Add atlShow to dump an AST object to a text file. - ATL routines have been updated to understand the new AST API for handling undefined FITS values. - A bug in ATL_MGFTS that resulted in too many FITS headers being removed has been fixed.