*+ * Name: * EXT_DEC * * Purpose: * Declarations of EXTREME conversion routines and arguments. * * Language: * Fortran 77 * * Type of Module: * Include file. * * Description: * This file contains the declarations for statement functions and * their arguments to be used with the EXTREME package. * It currently contains declarations required for the function * EXT_ITOX which converts an INTEGER value to an extended integer * value, where an extended integer is the type declared as * INTEGER * 8 in the original (pre-built) source code of a package. * * Authors: * MBT: Mark Taylor (STARLINK) * * History: * 15-FEB-2000 (MBT): * Original version. *- * Declaration of statement function. INTEGER * 8 EXT_ITOX * Declaration of statement function dummy arguments. INTEGER EXT_ARGI * $Id$