FACILITY IDI 301,COOVF,No more room in common block storage 302,DEVNM,Problem translating or obtaining device name 303,ERROR,Undefined error 304,INCID,Cursor number invalid 305,INCON,Configuration number invalid 306,INDID,Display identifier invalid 307,INITT,Intensity transformation table number invalid 308,INLUT,Look-up table number invalid 309,INMID,Memory identifier invalid 310,INRID,ROI identifier invalid 311,IOERR,Error writing to, or reading from device 312,NOCAP,No capability of that number 313,NOEVA,No such evaluator 314,NOINT,No such interactor 315,NOOBJ,No such object 316,NOREC,Error recovering characteristics 317,NOROI,No ROI available 318,NOTIM,Not implemented 319,RANGE,Parameter outside permissible range 320,TWOVF,Transfer window overflow 321,WDTER,Problem with workstation description file 322,DISWNDERR,Virtual Device Manager error 323,NOAVAILDEV,No virtual device available 324,DEVNOTOP,Device not opened 325,NODYNCONF,Device not dynamically configurable 326,DEVNAMERR,Device name error 327,DEVCAPTRUNC,Device capability truncated 328,MAXCONFN,Too many configurations 329,EXTBMNOTFND,External bitmap not found 330,MEMALLERR,Memory allocation error 331,DCTFILERR,Error in DCT file 332,DYNCONFEN,Dynamic configuration already enabled 333,DYNCONFNOTEN,Dynamic configuration not enabled 334,ILLCONFID,Illegal configuraton id 335,MEMNOTFREE,Memory not free 336,ILLMEMID,Illegal memory id 337,MEMNOTALL,Memory not allocated 338,MAXMEM,Out of memory locators 339,TWTOOBIG,Transfer window too big 340,IMGTOOBIG,Image too big 341,LUTIDERR,Lookup table identifier invalid 342,LUTLENERR,Lookup table length error 343,LUTNOTDEF,Lookup table not defined 344,ITTIDERR,ITT identifier invalid 345,ITTLENERR,ITT length invalid 346,CURNOTDEF,Cursor not defined 347,ROINOTDEF,ROI not defined 348,MAXROI,Too many ROIs 349,ILLCURID,Illegal cursor id 350,ILLTRIGGER,Illegal trigger id 351,ILLINTTYPE,Illegal interaction type 352,ILLINTOBJ,Illegal interaction object 353,ILLINTOPER,Illegal interaction operation 354,IDINOSUPP,IDI not supported 355,DCTFILWARN,Missing keyword in DCT file 356,DEPTHERR,Memory depth value 357,MEMTYPERR,Memory type error 358,MAXMEMLST,Internal memory exhausted 359,LUTNOTFREE,Current LUT not free 360,CURNOTFREE,Cursor not free 361,CURNOTVIS,Cursor not visible 362,ROINOTVIS,ROI not visible 363,INTNOTALL,Interaction invalid 364,MAXNOINT,Too many interactions 365,INTNOEN,Interaction not enabled 366,FONTNOTDEF,Text font not defined 367,VD_MAXWIND,Max number of interactions 368,VD_KWTYPERR,Display window type error 369,VD_FILKWNOTCR,Display window file not created 370,VD_WINOTOPN,Requested display window not created 371,VD_FILKWERR,Display window file read/update error 372,VD_NULLDEV,Environment device name not defined 373,VD_SAVNOTALL,SAVE operation not allowed for A 374,VD_XCONNERR,Error connecting to X-server 375,VD_UNSUPVT,Window visual type not supported