FACILITY CAT 1,ERROR,General CAT error 2,INVOP,Invalid STATE and MODE combination opening cat 3,ILLOP,Invalid parameters when opening catalogue 4,INVBK,Invalid back-end type 5,MAXOP,Maximum permitted number of open cats exceeded 6,MAXID,Maximum permitted number of identifiers exceeded 7,MAXAT,Maximum permitted number of attributes exceeded 8,EOF,End-of-file encountered 9,TYPCV,Type conversion error 10,IMATT,Attempt to modify an immutable attribute 11,NOATT,Attribute not found 12,INVCN,Invalid catalogue name 13,NOLUN,Failed to get a free Fortran logical unit number 14,NOCMP,Component not found 15,INVDT,Invalid data type 16,INVRW,Invalid row number 17,INVGN,Invalid genus for a column 18,INVGT,Invalid get (not column, parameter or expr) 19,INVEX,Invalid expression (unable to parse it) 20,INVWT,Attempt to write to a read-only catalogue 21,INVPT,Invalid put (not column, parameter or expr) 22,IDNFD,Identifier not found 23,INVNL,Invalid code to specify type of null for column 24,INVEC,Invalid specification of vector element 25,INVCL,Invalid column specification 26,INVPR,Invalid parameter specification 27,INVID,Invalid identifier 28,INVSR,Invalid operation on unsorted column 29,INVAC,Invalid access mode 30,INVDS,Invalid description file 31,NOCAT,Unable to open catalogue 32,IOERR,Catalogue I/O error 33,INVCD,Invalid catalogue description 34,INVAS,Invalid AST frame-set 35,INVAP,Invalid AST frame-set specification 36,DUPNM,Duplicate column, parameter or expression name 37,CSIZE,Character column size too large