FACILITY IRA 1,AMBPR,Ambiguous projection specified 2,AMBSC,Ambiguous sky coord system specified 3,BAD2V,2nd sky coord outside range +/- PI/2 4,BADAS,Bad HDS type for AS 5,BADBJ,Invalid epoch type specifier found 6,BADEQ,Invalid equinox specifier found 7,BADNC,Bad value for coordinate index 8,BADPA,BAD projection parameter value 9,BADPR,Unsupported projection specified 10,BADSC,Unsupported sky coordinate system specified 11,BADST,Illegal style value in IRA_RTOC 12,BADTR,Bad no. of variables in TRANSFORM structure 13,EXFLD,Too many fields in a formatted coordinate 14,INVID,Invalid IRA identifier 15,MIXFL,Field out of oder in formatted sky coord 16,NOAS,No AS found 17,NOCNV,Pixel size is becoming indefinately small 18,NOEXT,NDF extension doesn't exist 19,NOFRM,Unable to format floating pointr no 20,NOMOR,No free IRA identifiers are available 21,NOPRO,No projection information found in AS 22,RANGE,Out of range field value found in formatted sky coord 23,REDFL,Redundant field in formatted sky coord 24,SCTER,Invalid terminator found for a formatted 25,SING,Projection is singular 26,TFEWP,Too few projection parameters specified 27,TIME,Inappropriate formatted time value supplied 28,TOOSH,Supplied strings are too short 29,UNDAS,Undefined AS 242,SMALL,Image coordinates cover too small an area 243,ORDER,Limits are in wrong order 244,INIT,IRA has not been initialised