1 Introduction

The NCAR graphics suite (SUN/88) consists of a set of subprograms which can be used to produce complete graphs in a variety of formats. The package has been in wide use for some years; the latest version employs the ISO standard GKS interfaces for its low-level plotting, giving it access to all Starlink graphics devices, present and future.

The NCAR routines themselves are thoroughly documented, and just a few simple calls will produce graphs of excellent appearance. The package also provides a high level of flexibility, with dozens of different details of the plot independently controllable to give exactly the result required. However, beginners may be daunted by the mass of features offered, and unless they take the extreme step of reading the manual may give up before they realise what the package can do for them. This document describes minor extensions which provide more convenient access to certain features without sacrificing flexibility.

The AUTOGRAPH part of the NCAR suite, used in conjunction with the Starlink NCAR extensions and the Starlink low level plotting package SGS (SUN/85), offers an alternative high level system to PGPLOT (SUN/15) for producing graphs of one variable plotted against another. All of the Starlink extensions provided within SNX enhance the power of the facilities provided by AUTOGRAPH and make it more accessible to the beginner.

Here are some of the things you can do using the facilities described in this document:

See Appendices CE for example programs demonstrating some of these facilities.