
Starlink Project
Starlink User Note 257.1

D.S. Berry

3rd July 2006

A Library of AST Utility Routines

Version 1.0

Programmer’s Manual


ATL provides high level utility functions for handling WCS and other AST-related tasks.


1 Introduction
A Routine Descriptions
ATL_ADDWCSAXIS – Add one or more axes to an NDFs WCS FrameSet
ATL_AXTRM – Trim axes from the current Frame of a FrameSet
ATL_CHRSPLITRE – Extract sub-strings matching a specified regular expression
ATL_CPPLA – Copy attributes from one Plot to another
ATL_CREAT – Write an AST Object to a text file or NDF specified using an environment parameter
ATL_CUTPL – Create a Plot covering a sub-region of another Plot
ATL_FINDSKY – Locate any sky axes within a Frame
ATL_FSPEC – Locate a SpecFrame within a CmpFrame
ATL_GETPIXELPARAMS – Find typical values for " FITS-like" parameters describing a FrameSet
ATL_GTGRP – Obtain lines of text from a parameter, and store them in a GRP group
ATL_KY2HD – Converts an AST KeyMap into an HDS structure
ATL_KYCHK – Reports an error if a given key is not found in a KeyMap
ATL_MATCHREGION – Ensure the axes in a Region match those in a Frame
ATL_MGFTS – Merge two FITS headers
ATL_MKLUT – Create a Mapping to connect two 1D array of values
ATL_NOTIF – Print a message to the screen if ATOOLS_VERBOSE is set
ATL_PLROI – Create a set of Plots associated with each ROI in a given Plot
ATL_PTFTI – Store a keyword value in a FitsChan, replacing any existing value
ATL_PTFTL – Store a keyword value in a FitsChan, replacing any existing value
ATL_PTFTR – Store a keyword value in a FitsChan, replacing any existing value
ATL_PTFTS – Store a keyword value in a FitsChan, replacing any existing value
ATL_PXDUP – Ensure the number of WCS axes is no less than the number of pixel axes
ATL_RDCH – Read an AST Object from a GRP group using a Channel
ATL_RDFCH – Read an AST Object from a GRP group using a FitsChan
ATL_RDGRP – Read an AST Object from a GRP group
ATL_RDMOC – Read an AST Object from a GRP group using an MocChan
ATL_RDSTCS – Read an AST Object from a GRP group using an StcsChan
ATL_RM – Remove a file
ATL_RMBLFT – Remove contiguous blanks from FITS header
ATL_TOLUT – Approximate a supplied Mapping by one or more LutMaps
ATL_TTLPL – Display a Plot Title without using AST_GRID
ATL_WCSPX – Create a WCS FrameSet from a SPECX file
atlAddWcsAxis – Add one or more axes to an NDFs WCS FrameSet
atlDumpFits – Write the contents of a FitsChan to a text file
atlFrameSetSplit – Extract axes from a supplied FrameSet to create a new FrameSet
atlGetParam – Create a vector character string entry in an AST KeyMap from a list of fixed length strings
atlGetPixelParams – Find typical values for " FITS-like" parameters describing a FrameSet
atlMapGet1C – Retrieve a vector of strings from an AST KeyMap entry as a list of fixed length strings
atlMapPut1C – Create a vector character string entry in an AST KeyMap from a list of fixed length strings
atlMatchRegion – Ensure the axes in a Region match those in a Frame
atlPairAxes – Find corresponding axes in a pair of Frames or FrameSets
atlReadFile – Reads an AST Object from a text file
atlReadTable – Create an AST Table from a text file
atlShow – Dumps an AST Object to a text file
atlTableLutMap – Create a LutMap from a column of an AST Table