Locates a component of an HDS structure relating to the currently opened PGPLOT device


LOC1 is an locator for an HDS structure which contains components relating to one or more PGPLOT devices. These components, for instance, may contain the colour palette or colour table to be used with the corresponding PGPLOT device. This routine searches the structure for a component relating to the currently opened PGPLOT device, and returns a locator for it if found. If not found, and if the currently opened PGPLOT device is a GWM window, a search is made for a component relating to a GWM window with a different name. If no such device is found, (or if an error occurs) DAT__NOLOC is returned.

For instance, if the currently opened graphics device is " x2windows" (i.e. " xwindows2/GWM" ), a search is made first for a component called AGI_3801_2. If this is not found, a search is made for a component with a name corresponding to any /GWM device (e.g. AGI_3800_1 which corresponds to " xwindows/GWM" , or one of the other xwindows sevices).

The component names used are the same as the names uses for the device within the AGI database (e.g. " AGI_3801_2" ).




LOC1 = CHARACTER ( ) (Given)
A locator for the object to be searched.
LOC2 = CHARACTER ( ) (Returned)
A locator for the found component.
STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
The global status.
