
Starlink compliant wrapper around the BSD strlcpy function


The strlcpy function is similar to the strncpy function except that it guarantees to nul terminate the destination string and returns the number of characters that will have been copied. This wrapper function provides standard Starlink inherited status semantics.


len = one_strlcpy( char dest, const char src, size_t sizedest, int status );


dest = char (Returned)
Destination buffer for "src". Will be nul-terminated. If status is bad on entry, dest will be nul-terminated if it is non-NULL.
src = const char (Given)
String to be copied.
sizedest = size_t (Given)
The actual buffer size of "dest" including space for a nul.
status = int (Given and Returned)
Inherited status. Will be set to ONE__TRUNC if the string was truncated on copy.

Returned Value

size_t retval
Length of the string after copying. Will either be the length of the source string or one less than the size of the destination buffer.
