
Find GSD item by name


This routine looks up the GSD item specified by its name and returns the number of the item. This routine also returns the unit string, the type specification and the array flag.


int gsdFind( void file_dsc, void item_dsc, char name, int itemno, char unit, char type, char array );


void file_dsc (Given)
The GSD file descriptor related to the file opened on fptr.
void item_dsc (Given)
The array of GSD item descriptors related to the file opened on fptr.
char data_ptr (Given)
The buffer with all the data from the GSD file opened on fptr.
char name (Given)
The name of the item. This should be an array of 16 characters (char name[16]) and a null-terminated string.
int itemno (Returned)
The number of the item in the GSD file.
char unit (Returned)
The unit of the item. This should be an array of 11 characters (char name[11]) and will be a null-terminated string.
char type (Returned)
The data type of the item. This is a single character and one of B, L, W, I, R, D, C.
char array (Returned)
The array flag. This is a single character and true (false) if the item is (is not) and array.

Returned Value

int gsdFind();
  • [1:] If the named item cannot be found.

  • [0:] Otherwise.


available via #include "gsd.h"


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