
Write provenance information out to a VOTABLE


This function writes the contents of the supplied provenance structure out as a text string holding an XML snippet suitable for inclusion in a VOTABLE.


const char ndgWriteVotProv( NdgProvenance prov, int status )


A pointer to the provenance information to be written out.
The global status.

Returned Value

A pointer to a dyamically allocated string holding the XML text, or NULL if an error occurs. The string should be freed using astFree when it is no longer needed. The text will contain a single top level element with the following opening tag:

" <GROUP name="PROVENANCE" utype="hds_type:PROVENANCE" >"

The HDS structure of an NDF PROVENANCE extension is replicated using PARAM elements to hold primitive values and GROUP elements to hold structures. The "utype" attributes are used to hold the corresponding HDS data types.