Average the data in the XCOL and YCOL areas


Re-bin the XCOL and YCOL data, averaging the data in each sample, and puts the result back into the XCOL and YCOL areas. The standard deviations of the averages are put into the EXCOL and EYCOL areas. There are two ways in which the averaging may be done:


avedat action [nbin]


The type of binning be used for the averaging. If "X", the data are divided into NBIN bins over the X range. If "N", bins of varying widths with each containing NBIN data points are formed.

[The value will be prompted for. It has the default "X".]

Depending upon the value of ACTION, either the number of bins (ACTION="X"), or the number of points per bin (ACTION="N").

[The value will be prompted for. It has the default 10.]

XMIN = _REAL (Read)
The minimum X value to be used in the average.

[The value of the global parameter PONGO_XMIN is used. If PONGO_XMIN is not defined, the default value 0.0 is used.]

XMAX = _REAL (Read)
The maximum X value to be used in the average.

[The value of the global parameter PONGO_XMAX is used. If PONGO_XMAX is not defined, the default value 1.0 is used.]