Converts "old-style" ADAM/SSE prologues into STARLSE format


This application converts "old-style" ADAM/SSE routine prologues into the format generated by the extended VAX Language Sensitive Editor STARLSE (SUN/105). The converted prologue information may then be used as input to other SST applications which generate documentation, help libraries, etc.




If ATASK is set to TRUE, then the style of output prologue will be suitable for application programs (i.e. ADAM A-tasks). If it is set to FALSE, then prologues suitable for ordinary subroutines or functions, such as a subroutine library, are produced. [TRUE]
IN() = LITERAL (Read)
A list of (optionally wild-carded) file specifications which identify the Fortran 77 source code files with "old-style" ADAM prologues which are to be used for input. Up to 10 values may be given, but only a single specification such as .FOR is normally required. There is no limit on the number of program units which may be held in each input file.
This value specifies the programming language (i.e. the particular dialect of Fortran 77) in which the source code is written. It does not affect the processing performed, but will be inserted into the output prologues under the "Language" section heading. If a null (!) or blank value is given, then an appropriate STARLSE placeholder will be used instead. The required entry can then be made later by hand. [VAX Fortran]
OUT = FILE (Write)
The output file to which the source code will be copied with its prologue format converted. If multiple input files are specified, then the converted output will be concatenated into a single file. [PROCVT.FOR]


Reads the application program source code held in the file MYPROG_OLD.FOR and converts its prologue information into STARLSE format. The converted source code is written to the file MYPROG_NEW.FOR.
Reads the source code for a subroutine library, held in the files .FOR, and converts its prologue information to STARLSE format. The converted source code is written to a single output file SUBS.FOR. The language specified in the converted prologues will be "Starlink Fortran 77".
In this example, a sequence of input file specifications is given. Each will be processed in turn, converting its prologue information into STARLSE format. Output is written to the single default output file PROCVT.FOR.


Due to the variety of layouts found in existing "old-style" ADAM/SSE prologues, this application is not guaranteed always to produce a perfect result. Particular problem areas are the inconsistent use of indentation, and the occasional use of section headings and placeholders (of the form <... >) which do not quite match those given in the original ADAM/SSE prologue templates. Nevertheless, in most cases, PROCVT will produce a result which can be edited fairly easily using STARLSE to conform with the requirements of other SST applications. Appropriate STARLSE placeholders will be inserted into output prologues to facilitate the entry of any essential information which cannot be found in the corresponding input prologue.


The execution time is approximately proportional to the total number of source code lines supplied for conversion. The time will be increased somewhat if the code resides in a large number of separate files, due to the need to open and close each file.