All the applications in the SST package run under ADAM, so before you start you should execute the command:


This is a good opportunity to add this command to your LOGIN.COM file if you have not already done so.

The commands within the SST package itself can be used either from the ADAM command language ICL, or from DCL. These commands are initially made available by typing ‘SST’ at the command prompt, e.g. from ICL:

  $ ICL

or from DCL:

  $ SST

In either case, the following message will be displayed, indicating that the package is ready for use:

  Simple Software Tools (SST) commands are now available.

You can then invoke any of the SST applications by typing the appropriate command (see Appendix A for a detailed description of the applications available).

When working from ICL you can obtain help about SST by using the HELP command, thus:


You can also obtain help on each individual application by giving its name, e.g:


will give help on the SST application FORSTATS. “In-line” help on an application’s parameters is also available, in the normal ADAM way, by typing ‘?’ or ‘??’ in response to any prompt requesting a value for a parameter.