D STL description tutorial

 D.1 First example
 D.2 Second example

D.1 First example

The easiest way to introduce the STL (Small Text List) description file format is to explain an example. Figure 17 shows a simple description file for a small text list. This example is available as file:


  ! Simple STL example; stellar photometry catalogue.
  ! A.C. Davenhall (Edinburgh) 24/1/97.
  C V    REAL    3  UNITS=’MAG’
  C B_V  REAL    4  UNITS=’MAG’
  C U_B  REAL    5  UNITS=’MAG’
  P EQUINOX  CHAR*10  ’J2000.0’
  P EPOCH    CHAR*10  ’J1996.35’
  5:09:08.7   -8:45:15   4.27  -0.19  -0.90
  5:07:50.9   -5:05:11   2.79  +0.13  +0.10
  5:01:26.3   -7:10:26   4.81  -0.19  -0.74
  5:17:36.3   -6:50:40   3.60  -0.11  -0.47

Figure 17: A simple STL description file

In a small text list the table of values can be in the same file as the description (as in Figure 17) or in a separate file. If the table is included in the description file it must occur after the description, from which it is separated by a line containing the single word ‘BEGINTABLE’.

The first five lines of Figure 17 are comments. They are ignored by CURSA and their only purpose is to provide information to a user reading the description file. Comments are identified by an exclamation mark (‘!’). In the example the comments all occupy their own line. However, they can be included on the same line as other elements of the description file; any text to the right of an exclamation mark is interpreted as a comment.

Blank lines are ignored. They can be introduced to improve the readability of a description file as required.

Throughout this manual keywords and directives are shown in upper case for clarity. However, they are actually case-insensitive.

The example in Figure 17 contains five columns: RA, DEC, V, B_V and U_B. Each column must be defined on a separate line (if necessary the definition of a column can be continued onto another line, though in the example none are. However, a single line can only contain the definition of one column).

The definition of each column starts with the letter ‘C’ (indicating that a column is being defined), followed by the name, the data type and the ‘position’ in the column. Here the ‘position’ is simply the sequence number of the column in the table (starting counting at one), with the columns being separated by one or more spaces. Further details of the column are specified using an ‘item_name=value’ notation; in the example the units are set in this way. All these items must be separated by one or more spaces. The full syntax for defining columns is described in Section E.2. For columns RA and DEC the UNITS item is indicating that the columns should be displayed as sexagesimal angles in hours and degrees respectively. Similarly, the TBLFMT item is specifying that the columns are listed as sexagesimal angles in the file. Note that sexagesimal angles stored in STL files must contain no embedded spaces and a colon (‘:’) must be used to separate the hours or degrees, minutes and seconds.

The example contains two parameters: EQUINOX and EPOCH. Parameters are defined in a similar way to columns. Each column must be defined on a separate line (if necessary the definition of a column can be continued onto another line, though in the example none are. However, a single line can only contain the definition of one parameter).

The definition of each parameter starts with the letter ‘P’ (indicating that a parameter is being defined), followed by the name, the data type and the value of the parameter. Further details of the parameter can be specified using an ‘item_name=value’ notation, as for columns (though none are set in the example).

The table of values immediately follows the ‘BEGINTABLE’ line, without any intervening lines. The table is in ‘free’ format, with columns being separated by blanks. The example does not include any character columns with embedded blanks, but any such columns would be enclosed in quotes. The physical order of the columns in the table simply corresponds to the order specified when each column was defined in the description. Thus, in the example the first column is RA, the second DEC, etc.

In the example the columns of angles RA and DEC are stored in the file as sexagesimal hours and degrees respectively. This format is convenient and is probably what you will usually use. However, it is possible to store columns of angles in a file in radians (and in fact CURSA does this when it writes an STL catalogue). There is an example of such a catalogue in file:


D.2 Second example

Figure 18 is an example of a more complicated description file for an STL catalogue. This example is available as file:


It is basically similar to the description file for the small text list in Figure 17, but with the differences listed below.

  ! More complicated example of an STL.
  ! A.C. Davenhall (Edinburgh) 24/1/97.
  C NAME    CHAR*10  25  COMMENTS=’Star name.’     TBLFMT=A7
  C FLUX[4] REAL     31  UNITS=’Jansky’            EXFMT=F6.1
  :           COMMENTS=’Flux at 12, 25, 60 and 100 micron.’
  C V       REAL     58  UNITS=’MAG’  COMMENTS=’V magnitude.’ EXFMT=F4.2
  C B_V     REAL     64  UNITS=’MAG’  COMMENTS=’B-V colour.’  EXFMT=F5.2
  C U_B     REAL     71  UNITS=’MAG’  COMMENTS=’U-B colour.’  EXFMT=F5.2
  P EQUINOX  CHAR*10  ’J2000.0’
  P EPOCH    CHAR*10  ’J1996.35’
  T Catalogue of U,B,V colours and fluxes.
  T UBV photometry from Mount Pumpkin Observatory,
  T IR Fluxes from Sage, Parsley and Thyme (1987).
  D FILE=’complex.dat’      ! File holding the table.
  D POSITION=CHARACTER      ! Table is fixed-format.

Figure 18: A more complicated STL description file